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About us

Basquetour is the public company of the Ministry for Tourism, Trade and Consumer of the Basque Government, created in 2006 to head the promotion and implementation of the strategy for competitiveness established for the Basque Country, defined nowadays in the “Strategic Plan for Basque Tourism, 2020", in conjunction with the public and private organisations which make up the tourism industry in the Basque Country and according to the "Responsible Tourism Strategy of the Basque Country".


To improve the competitiveness of tourism as an economic activity which generates wealth and employment.
To improve the position of the Basque Country in strategic segments.
To consolidate the Basque Country brand as a tourist destination in emerging markets.
Adaptation of the offer and development of Basque tourism products through management and issues promotion to the different market segments.
Monitoring of the destination "Basque Country" through analysis and studies for its correct management.

Management Policy

October 2024

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